With Me

Message: The Gospel according to Matthew

Text: Matthew 12:22-30, 33

With Me

Neutral, halfway, nominal, all in or all out.

Bruce Willis, "People go to the movies to watch people giving it everything they've got."

Whether fruit on a tree is good or bad is obvious to everyone who sees it.

All Nations

Message: The Gospel according to Matthew

Text: Matthew 12:15-21

All Nations

All nations, peculiar, aliens, outcasts, estranged, prejudiced against, wrong side of the wall, Gentiles…

John 14:2

You are His

Message: The Gospel according to Matthew

Text: Matthew 12:1-14

You are His

Grain, Sabbath (day of the week) bread, synagogue (church house) sheep…

Rules, traditions, ways of life, nations, empires, cultures…

 You are more important to Jesus than any-thing.

Real love is not love because it is deserved, it is just love.

“Love complicates the life of God the way it complicates every life.”

Jesus in You

Message: The Gospel according to Matthew

Text: Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus in you

Jesus said for you to come to Him, not the other way around.

You put on Jesus’ yoke, He doesn’t put on your yoke.

Getting over yourself

Timing, pace, weight

Complete faith in the total sovereignty of Jesus

Come to Me

Message: The Gospel according to Matthew

Text: Matthew 11:28-30


Why didn’t Jesus say He would come to you?

Why does He say that you have to come to Him?

To Me:

Not to anyone else, or anything else.

Messiah is Coming 4

Message: Messiah is Coming—

You will meet Jesus

Text: 1 Corinthians 13:12

Philippians 2:9-11

1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

2 Corinthians 5:6-10

Revelation 20:11-15

Eagerly, not dreadfully or fearfully

Open hands, not clenched fists

“The thing about life is that it ends.”

Messiah is Coming 2

Message: Messiah is Coming—

A Samaritan woman meets Jesus at Jacob’s well

Text: John 4:4-26

Her husbands—people

Her water—things

John 6:63

A life of if only…

When did simply worshiping Jesus become not enough for you?

Ray Ortlund, "If I have You (Jesus) I have everything worth having, whatever else I may lack. If I do not have You, I have nothing worth having, whatever else I may possess."

C.S. Lewis, "God cannot give us happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing."

Finding God's direction for your life

Message: Finding God's direction for your life

Isaiah 55:8-9

Colossians 1:15-17

1. God is always providing direction, it's up to us to look for, listen
to, and follow it.

Proverbs 3:5-6

2. There will be distractions, roadblocks and detours.

James 1:2-4

3. He is always leading us toward the same place

1 Thessalonians 5: 12-18

“As God is exalted to his rightful place in our lives, a thousand problems are solved all at once.” AW Tozer

Patient Leadership

Message: The Gospel According to Matthew

Text: Matthew 11:20-27

Patient Leadership

Judgment according to opportunity

A.W. Tozer, "Before the judgment seat of Christ my service will be judged not by how much I have done but by how much I could have done."

C.S. Lewis, "For in it (judgment, Mt 25) the goats are condemned entirely for their sins of omission; as if to make us fairly sure that the heaviest charge against each of us turns not upon things he has done but on those he never did…"

James 4:17

2 Timothy 2:24-26

The Work: Don't Worry 2

Message: The Gospel According to Matthew

Text: Matthew 10:9-20

The Work:

Don’t worry

Vs 9-10

Don’t worry about money

Vs 11-16

Don’t worry, there will be people to help you, and people who will not heed you.

R.T. France, “They were to look for someone able and willing to accommodate them, and this would normally be someone open to their message, though not necessarily already committed to their cause.”

Vs 17-20

Don’t worry about push back. Keep pushing outward.

The Work: Don't Worry

Message: The Gospel According to Matthew

Text: Matthew 10:9-20

The Work:

Don’t worry

Vs 9-10

Don’t worry about money

Vs 11-16

Don’t worry, there will be people to help you, and people who will not heed you.

R.T. France, “They were to look for someone able and willing to accommodate them, and this would normally be someone open to their message, though not necessarily already committed to their cause.”

Vs 17-20

Don’t worry about push back. Keep pushing outward.

The Work: Giving

Message: The Gospel According to Matthew

Text: Matthew 10:1-8

The Work:


One positive: You can only give what you have been given.

First negative: You should only give what you have been given.

“I don’t always know when the Holy Spirit is, but I sure know when He aint.”

Second negative: Jesus turns water into wine, Sauls into Pauls, your negatives into positives.

Slavery into salvation

Joshua 24:4

Love in Action

Message: The Gospel According to Matthew

Text: Matthew 9:35-10:1

Love in Action

Sometimes you are the answer to your own prayer.

Look out!

Compassion is more than pity, it is love in action.

Luke 10:33

Jesus saw everyone as sheep…having no shepherd.

We are currently meeting: Sunday school 10:00am; Sanctuary worship 11:00am; The Chosen-life of Jesus series 5:00pm Sunday nights; Ladies Discerning the Voice of God 9:00am Mondays; Small group Bible for all ages Wednesdays 6:30…Invite who is not here!

Give & Take

Message: The Gospel According to Matthew

Text: Matthew 9:32-34

Give & Take

1 Peter 5:8-9

John 10:9-10

1 Peter 5:6-7

James 4:6-7

Psalm 51:12, “Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit.”