Morning Worship 05-29-2016

Christ paid a debt He didn't owe to pay a debt we couldn't pay.
Charles Colson,  "Psychiatry, properly administered, can turn a schizophrenic bank robber into a mentally healthy bank robber; a good teacher can turn an illiterate criminal into an educated criminal.  But they are still bank robbers and criminals."

Don Matzat,  "We need a crucified savior, not a support group." 
Message: The Gospel according to Luke

Text: Luke 2:8-20

 Some social gospel in Trumann:

Stepping Stone Sanctuary

Homeless shelter, daily soup kitchen (lunch) some carry out boxed food

912 Speedway. Rev Jeff Weaver, pastor at First United Methodist,     870-239-1768

The Ark

After school ministry for students, meals for children during school and summer

In the old Kohn Bray building on Ozark. Rev John Booker, pastor at Old Landmark Worship Ctr,  870-227-9600

Trumann Food Pantry

Boxes of food available Mon, Tues, Fri, 10:00-2:00. Mon nights,  5:00-7:00, emergency food after hours available by calling.

610 Walnut. Pantry director is Ms Terry Dunham, 870-273-6048