What is your purpose?
Message: The gospel according to Luke
Text: Luke 4:1-4
~Purpose. Is this one life you have so trivial that you would be content to go thru it without a sense of God-given purpose?
~Passion. The 1st Adam and the 2nd Adam, both tempted by food. Hunger is a sign of health
Francois de La Rochefoucauld, "Great souls are not those with fewer passions and more virtues than the ordinary run, but simply those with a stronger sense of purpose."
Psychiatrist Gerald May, "In reality, our lack of fulfillment is the most precious gift we have. It is the source of our passion, our creativity, our search for God. All the best of life comes out of our human yearning - not our being satisfied."
Glenn Jenkins, "This is the desire of the Hindu, a state of passionless peace."