Message: The gospel according to Luke
Text: Luke 7:36-50
Worship is seeing who Jesus is, seeing who you are, and seeing the difference
What we know from 37-38:
She knew she was a sinner; she knew where Simon’s house was, and she knew Jesus was there; she came prepared with a flask of oil (1 year’s average wage); she stood for a while, weeping; then washed Jesus’ feet with her tears; then wiped His feet with her hair; kissed His feet; then anointed His feet with oil from her flask; no one invited her; she took an extreme initiative and overcame her shame, she knew they knew who she was.
She knows who she is and what she’s done. She knows who Jesus is and what He’s done for her. She knows the other people in the room and what they’ve done. She worships only Jesus. When you allow yourself to not worship Jesus, you are worshiping yourself. When you allow anyone else to stop you from worshiping Jesus, you are worshiping them.