Resurrection, New Life, New Spirit...A New Start

Message: Resurrection, New Life,  New Spirit…A New Start

Text: John 13-16 (14:16-20, 16:7)

Jesus moves from being “over there”  to “in here.”

Ephesians 5:18, “…be filled with the Spirit.”

The Two Cups

The First Cup: Jesus and the woman at the well. John 4:13-14  To be filled is a choice. Jesus has chosen you, now you must choose Him.

The Second Cup: It’s happening right now.

Philippians 2:17, 2 Timothy 4:6

George MacDonald,  "There is a woman who has met a sudden sorrow.  'I wish I'd never been made!' she exclaims petulantly and bitterly:  to which her friend quietly replies, 'My dear, you're not made yet.  You're only being made - and this is the Maker's process.'"