"...You are with me."

Message: ”…You are with me.”

Text: Ruth 1:1-7, 22:2:1, 4:13-17 Luke 2:1-7

Micah 5:2, Isaiah 11:1, 10

(Ruth was written about 1000 BC, Isaiah was written about 700 BC)

Matthew 1:22-23 (Isaiah 7:14)God with us!

Psalm 23:4“…You are with me.”

Philip Yancey, "In Jesus, God came close."

Henri Nouwen, "There is no journey to God outside of the journey that Jesus made."

Henry Blackaby, "When you are struggling to believe, that is not the time to avoid Christ or to be ashamed of your struggle. You will never increase your faith by not going to Jesus!"