
Message: The Gospel According to Matthew

Text: Matthew 8:28-34



Demons know Jesus when they see him, before He says a word. Up to this point in Matthew, only devils call Jesus, “Son of God.”

You may have doubts about Jesus? Demons never do.

Demons know something about how much time they have left. Revelation 12:12.

Demons like to inhabit and/or work thru someone. Ephesians 6:12

Paul Levertoff, “All down the ages the world has been refusing Jesus because it prefers its pigs.”

Everyone else avoids these demon possessed men, Jesus sails toward them.

If there’s not some satanic oppression, some spiritual challenge or temptation-you’re not doing something right.

Without a spiritual fight of some kind, your life will be spiritually irrelevant-you will make no eternal difference.

Do demons know you? Acts 19:15

“Go.” Matthew 8:32, 28:19